About Me

I moved to Foster City in 1991, and this beautiful city has been where my wife Geeta and I found community, raised our daughter, and built our careers. With a background in physics and computer science, I ran a successful IT consulting firm for 25 years.

Over the past eight years, I have developed a deep understanding of the issues facing Foster City, from infrastructure challenges to the need for strategic planning and risk management. I’ve been a passionate advocate for transparency and resident engagement, ensuring our community is informed about key decisions. In 2019, I co-led a successful recall campaign to remove a council member whose conduct undermined public trust, with the broader goal of ensuring accountability in city leadership. Since then, I’ve acted as a watchdog for our city, regularly attending meetings and keeping residents updated.

My involvement with the community deepened during the pandemic, when I partnered with friends to cook 100 meals every Sunday for homeless encampments in Redwood City and San Francisco. Four years later, our volunteer base has grown to over 80 Foster City residents, and we’re still delivering 100 meals every week. It’s a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when our community comes together.

My focus is on keeping Foster City a great place to live, work, and raise families, while remaining committed to accountability and clear communication. I’m honored to have the endorsement of ten former and current city council members, and I’m dedicated to serving Foster City with integrity, ensuring every resident’s voice is heard.